My goal is to help you cultivate a deeper understanding of the root causes of osteoporosis, which can then be a springboard to addressing them so you can be good to your bones in your everyday life. I also hope you will feel better informed to navigate medical decision-making. Of course, information is not enough. We have to take decisive action to get results. The cool thing is that the root causes of osteoporosis are also the root causes of many debilitating health issues that accelerate aging and disease, so the potential benefits here are enormous.
How I accidentally lost 50 pounds and why trying to lose weight doesn’t work
Did you know it’s possible to accidentally lose 50 pounds? I did. My family and I dieted for years and it never worked, at least not for long. […]
Healthy Hedonism Carrot Cake (or Cupcakes) with Faux “Cream Cheese” Icing
Learn how to modify a recipe to reproduce this amazing dessert! (Photo courtesy of Nicole Holley, aka “The Conscious Cake Queen”) Traci here! It was my birthday last month. My dear […]
Podcast: The Myths of Aging Workshop Preview
Our culture has a lot of confusion around aging and the treatment of elders. We shame aging and our taught our value diminishes with age (unlike many cultures). At […]
Coconut Whipped Cream: You won’t believe it’s not dairy!
Are you looking for a literal spoonful of paradise experience? Then, dip a spoon into some of this! I was sitting down to serve it at Thanksgiving one year, I […]
Part 2: Healthy Hedonism on the Road, Magical Adventures In Loving Myself
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman […]