Our culture has a lot of confusion around aging and the treatment of elders. We shame aging and our taught our value diminishes with age (unlike many cultures). At the same time, so many of us live a lifestyle that accelerates metabolic/ cellular aging (which makes us feel “old” at a relatively young age) and we think that it’s normal (it’s not). Why is it that some folks can feel old in their 20’s and 30’s while there are folks in their elder years that feel vibrant and “young”? Hint: genetics are only a small factor.
No matter our current age, we all will grow elder and, once we educatte ourselves to understand the cause and effects of the process, we can consciously choose unhealthy or healthy aging, both mentally and cellularly. Even if you have done damage and feel “old” before your time or would like to feel like a “young” 80 or 90 year old, accelerated metabolic aging and mindset can be changed. Wanna learn how?
In anticipation of Traci’s May 26th, 2019 workshop on Oahu, The Myths of Aging: Mind-Body Science for Growing Elder with Gusto, we recorded a little preview discussion that we hope inspires us to reframe, as individuals and as a society, how we think about the aging process. We are finally moving in the direction of starting a podcast and have decided not to wait for it to be all official on iTunes to start sharing with you all, so check out Skya interviewing Traci on SoundCloud.
Interested in the workshop, but not on Oahu? No problem! A virtual version of the workshop will be SOLD HERE after the live version. If you want to be notified when it’s ready, CONTACT US HERE.
If you are interested and will be on Oahu, fantastic! You can REGISTER HERE.