Are you looking for a literal spoonful of paradise experience? Then, dip a spoon into some of this! I was sitting down to serve it at Thanksgiving one year, I saw my friend taste it, then overheard him telling his girlfriend not to eat it since she had a dairy sensitivity. I told him that it was totally dairy free coconut whipped cream and his jaw literally dropped. He tasted it again. Nope, he still couldn’t wrap his head around it not being whipped cow cream. The velvety texture and exceptional flavor are oh so divine. It comes with the added bonus of being fun to make. I feel like a little kid watching it fluff up. I also love licking the bowl and beaters.
This is an absolutely lovely healthy hedonism treat for folks who are trying to uplevel their health, but still want a bit of a decadent treat. Want to ditch processed sugars and/or American cow dairy? That’s great, since both can contribute to gut and immune system issues, including fatigue and chronic inflammation. In fact, if you look at the root causes of most chronic and even complex illnesses, including but not limited to mental illness, diabetes, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease and cancer, you will find multiple factors causing inflammation.
Furthermore, if you look at independent research on fats and not fake science paid for by food and drug companies, you will find gobs of data showing that good fats, like unrefined coconut oil, actually help reduce inflammation. They metabolically support your hormones, blood sugar, muscle building, weight loss, brain function, immune system and other organs (basically all the really good things). Ironically, research shows that all of these organs and body systems, including your liver and heart, are, in fact, damaged by the inflammatory refined vegetable oils that the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends, like cottonseed, canola, corn and soybean oil (most of which are GMO). Incidentally, the AHA is a business run by the U.S. vegetable oil industry, which only produces inflammatory PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acid) oils, and not coconut oil, because the U.S. does not have much tropical agricultural land. Isn’t that convenient?
Coconut whipped cream is definitely a keto, paleo, dairy-free and vegan recipe if any of those things are your jam. It is low glycemic if you are struggling with blood sugar or weight issues and is full of good fats, which are essential for your fatty acid metabolism (think hormones, brain, immune system and so much more). So, even if you are on a healing diet, this treat should be totally fine for you.
Using stevia as your sweetener makes this a wonderful option for people who want to kick candida and other chronic infections. Did you know that coconut has compounds that are anti-fungal and anti-viral, whereas refined sweeteners and simple carbohydrates feed pathogens (critters that make you sick)?
This recipe is a prime example of healthy hedonism, which is the devotion to pleasure and self-healing as a way of life. A healhty hedonism lifestyle let’s you expereince the liberating truth that healthy and delicous belong together. Also, let’s think for just a moment? Which brings you more total pleasure? A.) Something that tastes good for 5 minutes then damages your health and makes you feel like junk later? Or… B.) The things in life that give us pleasure in the moment we enjoy them AND help make us healthier and happier in the long run? If you are a true hedonist, you know the answer is B! More healthy hedonism = more total pleasure, health and happiness. Isn’t that an inspiring?
Try this decadent whipped coconut cream with some seasonal fruit, as topping on our lemon pie or a cobbler, as an alternative to cake frosting, or just eat it with a spoon. Whip some up and let us know how you most enjoy eating it. Stick with us, and we will keep the yummy self-love and healing options coming!

We encourage you to give yourself the gift of delicious food made from nourishing whole ingredients on a regular basis. We consider healthy hedonism a fundamental human right and strive to empower you to heal yourself from cell to soul. To learn more about our cutting-edge approach to healing, visit Offerings.SpoonfulofParadise.com.

Coconut Whipped Cream
- 1 can of full fat coconut milk (look for BPA free cans), refrigerated overnight (do not freeze)
- 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract, or to taste
- 5-10 drops of pure liquid stevia or 1 teaspoon of raw local honey, or to taste
- Pinch of high quality sea salt, or to taste
- Put your metal mixing bowl in the freezer for at least 30 minutes before starting.
- Open the chilled can of coconut milk and carefully separate the solid fatty cream part from the watery part. Discard the water, drink it or put it in a smoothie.
- Scoop all of the coconut cream into the cold metal bowl, and whip with a hand mixer (or you can use a standing mixer) until you start to have peaks. This takes about 7-8 minutes. Be careful not to over whip, because it can start to collapse again or turn into butter. Coconut whipped cream will not fluff or stiffen quite as much as dairy whipped cream, but will thicken and take on the texture of more conventional whipped cream after it chills in the fridge for a little while (see below)
- Using a spatula or the hand mixer, gently fold in the vanilla, salt and sweetener until thoroughly blended. Put in the refrigerator until ready to serve.