“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman
Michael and I have been on the ultimate road trip this summer. Our adventures around the Pacific Northwest have been full of healthy hedonism in the form of nourishing food, ecstatic dance, time in nature, deep connection with new friends and especially creating the life we want to live, deliberately and joyfully. But healthy hedonism also means having the willingness to honor the challenges that arise by listening to the emotions they invoke. It’s honoring the fact that my emotions are showing me which thoughts, beliefs and outdated brain patterns are holding me back from fully experiencing and expressing the love that I am in each moment. In this week’s video I share why I used to hide the full rainbow of my inner light and how listening to my emotions helped me let go of the fear that was holding me back. Loving and accepting all parts of myself, more and more everyday, is truly hedonistic. I can’t believe how fun life gets the more I let go and let love!
Stay tuned for the bonus guided meditation at the end of the video! Soothe yourself back into bliss!

Thank you, Skya and Michael, for the beauty you bring to the world.
We are Love Itself.