Are you looking for a literal spoonful of paradise experience? Then, dip a spoon into some of this! I was sitting down to serve it at Thanksgiving one year, I […]
Your Brain on Ecstatic Dance
Are your two brains living in harmony with one another? In this culture, our left brain hemisphere is heavily relied upon. Most of us have plenty of time to flex […]
Video: What the #$*! is organic and is it really that important?
Join us for this video as the tables turn and fellow wellness professional, Rebecca Kelso of The Healing Coaches, interviews me about whether or not organic is really that important and […]
“Fall” in love with yourself with these top 7 favorite self-love and care tips
Fall… Ahhh, the cold snap in the air, leaves turning transplendent colors and littering the ground, the elk and deer out foraging… whoops! We live in Hawaii, so none of […]
Part 1: Healthy Hedonism on the Road: Food Tips for Your Trips
We will get you your inspired healthy hedonism food tips for your trips, but first things first. What the heck do we mean by “healthy hedonism”? Skya defined it beautifully in […]
What is Healthy Hedonism?
Traci and I have been considering dropping, or at least reframing, words like health and wellness from the vocabulary we use to describe what we’re all about. In our experience, […]