1 can of full fat coconut milk (look for BPA free cans), refrigerated overnight (do not freeze)
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract, or to taste
5-10 drops of pure liquid stevia or 1 teaspoon of raw local honey, or to taste
Pinch of high quality sea salt, or to taste
Put your metal mixing bowl in the freezer for at least 30 minutes before starting.
Open the chilled can of coconut milk and carefully separate the solid fatty cream part from the watery part. Discard the water, drink it or put it in a smoothie.
Scoop all of the coconut cream into the cold metal bowl, and whip with a hand mixer (or you can use a standing mixer) until you start to have peaks. This takes about 7-8 minutes. Be careful not to over whip, because it can start to collapse again or turn into butter. Coconut whipped cream will not fluff or stiffen quite as much as dairy whipped cream, but will thicken and take on the texture of more conventional whipped cream after it chills in the fridge for a little while (see below)
Using a spatula or the hand mixer, gently fold in the vanilla, salt and sweetener until thoroughly blended. Put in the refrigerator until ready to serve.
Keep in mind that whipped cream melts as it warms, so keep it chilled as much as you can.