“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman […]
Part 1: Healthy Hedonism on the Road: Food Tips for Your Trips
We will get you your inspired healthy hedonism food tips for your trips, but first things first. What the heck do we mean by “healthy hedonism”? Skya defined it beautifully in […]
What is Healthy Hedonism?
Traci and I have been considering dropping, or at least reframing, words like health and wellness from the vocabulary we use to describe what we’re all about. In our experience, […]
Podcast: Becoming Your Own Health Detective In a Contradictory Information Age
In the history of humanity, there has never been so much access to information about any topic, health included. In an age of messy medical and food politics, where mainstream […]
Oat Flour Pancakes: Gluten Free Gluttony
Personally, we love this recipe just for the taste of it! However, it is very adaptable for people with special dietary requirements, such as gluten free and casein/ lactose free […]
What Really Causes Belly Fat? Reasons for weight gain you may not know about and what you can do to change it.
Toward the end of high school, I started putting on weight. Because most of my family was overweight, I was terrified that I was genetically predestined to be obese. So, […]