First of all, we think it’s unnatural to have to think so hard about what’s natural. Geez… When we started our healing journey, we didn’t know each other yet, but […]
“Natural” Part 1: What Does It Really Mean and why Does It Matter?
More than likely, your impression of the word “natural” is, at least in part, from the marketing words on the products you buy and the ads you see. It often […]
FAQ What Protein Powder Do You Suggest?
We get some variation of this question from clients all the time, so we figured why not share it with all of you! Now, before we launch into our answers, […]
Let’s Take the FAD out of FOOD
What are you? Paleo? Vegetarian? Vegan? Raw vegan? South Beach? Whole 30? Atkins? Eco-Atkins? Weight Watchers? Jenny Craig? DASH? Mediterranean? Pescaterian? Flexitarian? Macrobiotic? Probiotic? Presbyterian? Muslim? Jewish? Mormon? Catholic? Buddhist? Hindu? […]
What Really Causes Belly Fat? Reasons for weight gain you may not know about and what you can do to change it.
Toward the end of high school, I started putting on weight. Because most of my family was overweight, I was terrified that I was genetically predestined to be obese. So, […]
Meet Jun: Kombucha’s Sexier Cousin
What is Jun and why is it better than Kombucha? Kombucha pales in comparison to it’s smoother, more effervescent cousin, Jun. Jun is so amazing that I no longer feel drawn to that […]