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Oat Flour Pancakes: Gluten Free Gluttony


  • 2 cups organic oat flour
  • 2 organic eggs from pastured hens
  • 1 can organic whole fat coconut milk (not lite) 13.5 fluid ounces
  • 2.5 fluid ounces filtered water 5 tablespoons
  • 1/2 cup organic coconut oil or pastured ghee (or pastured butter if you tolerate cow dairy)
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder aluminum free
  • 1/2 teaspoon high mineral salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • optional spices to taste: cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, cloves, allspice... whatever suits your fancy.


  • In a medium bowl or a blender pitcher add the dry ingredients together and mix lightly. Next, add coconut milk and water; stir. Add oil and then 1 egg at a time. Mix thoroughly with a fork, whisk or in a blender. 
  • Warm pan or griddle (caste iron works best) to medium. Once hot, add 1 teaspoon butter, coconut oil or ghee and spread around the pan. Pour 1⁄4 -1/3 cup of batter at a time onto the hot griddle to form the pancakes. When they start to bubble and brown around the edges, flip with a thin spatula and brown the other side.
  • Serving sizes: In order to eat a balanced amount of carbohydrates we recommend measuring how much batter you use for each pancake. On a less active day or when trying to heal the body or lose weight, eat only one 1/3 cup sized pancake. On a more active day if you are in excellent health, feel free to enjoy two 1/4 cup pancakes.
  • Toppings: Serve with butter or ghee. If you need sweet and are willing to forgo sugar, try mixing a 1⁄4 cup butter or ghee, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and 4 drops whole leaf stevia (or to taste) and salt (to taste), about 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon. If using maple syrup (Grade B or lower is better because more minerals/ nutrients), try mixing a teaspoon with 1⁄4 cup butter and only using the minimum needed to give pancakes a little sweetness and maple flavor. You can do the same with local raw honey. A small amount of finely chopped fresh fruit with butter or vanilla stevia butter is often more than sweet enough.