Make batter by combining dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Then cut in oil/fat. Add coconut milk and egg, and whisk until totally smooth or, better yet, blend with an electric mixer.
Heat about 2 inches of coconut oil in a deep pan for frying. We love cast iron! Oil needs to be hot. Test for readiness by dropping a small spoonful of batter in the hot oil to see when it starts to sizzle and crisp up.
Insert half of a bamboo skewer or corn dog stick into your weenie or sausage. Dip the sausage in the batter and coat it thoroughly. Not too thick of a batter coating is needed as the breading will puff up during frying. Immediately place the dipped dog in the frying pan and have a spatula ready.
Once each corn dog becomes golden and crispy around the edges, flip the whole thing with a spatula. Do not lift the weenie/ sausage by the stick or the batter will separate.
Once each corn dog is golden and crispy on all sides, remove it and place it on a platter. Repeat until all meat and/ or batter is used. Extra batter can be frozen for future use.
For a balanced meal, enjoy with cooked vegetables and/ or a nice colorful salad.