Are your two brains living in harmony with one another? In this culture, our left brain hemisphere is heavily relied upon. Most of us have plenty of time to flex […]
Podcast: Becoming Your Own Health Detective In a Contradictory Information Age
In the history of humanity, there has never been so much access to information about any topic, health included. In an age of messy medical and food politics, where mainstream […]
Throw out old ideas about exercise, and get into the groove when you move!
Redefining Fitness Most people who know me are aware that at the peak of my swimming career, I was diagnosed with an “incurable” autoimmune disease of the liver called Primary […]
Cleansing Part 2: It’s time to come clean! Inspire your cells to inspire you.
Click here to read Part 1: Feeling Dirty? When is cleansing clean and when is it a punishment? In this second part of our mini-treatise on cleansing, we will explain cleansing to […]
Feel like crap after the holidays? 7 quick and easy things you can choose from to feel better
For many, the holidays are a time to enjoy the company of family and friends, which often includes decadent meals and a plethora of desserts. Any kind of healthy eating habits often take a […]