What in the world is a dental cavitation!? Dr. Traci interviews Skya about his recent challenges with this little known, yet unfortunately common medical malady that is completely avoidable if you know about this issue. The problem is most dentists don’t know it’s an issue, so it is up to you to educate yourself!
Dental cavitations are a potentially serious health threat that commonly result from routine dental extractions, in which the periodontal membrane and ligament are not removed. They are literally a toxic, infected hole in your bone that can go unnoticed for decades, slowly poisoning your entire body, much like a root canal. Many biological dentists have studied the links between cavitations and a whole host of chronic degenerative diseases because of the biotoxic load they place on the rest of the body.
Skya got to experience this first hand after the chronic infection hiding in one of his wisdom tooth cavitations bored a hole into the root of the adjacent molar, causing it to abscess, as well as into his sinus cavity. He also experienced how this infection was adding to his toxic load, which has been negatively effecting his gut and immune health, most likely since he was a teenager.
Unfortunately, the standard of care is incomplete dental extractions, which is leading to a high incidence of unnecessary cavitations. Skya wants to spread the word about this hidden danger so that the American Dental Association will change it’s policy, and adopt a complete extraction procedure in order to save millions of people from having to suffer from this potentially debilitating medical condition. In the meantime, he urges anyone listening to seek care from a Holistic and Biological Dentist who is trained to see your mouth as an integral part of your biology. They can help you determine whether or not you need to have past extractions checked for cavitations.
Please share this Podcast because as more people become aware of this issue the more likely that cavitations will stop being created in the first place by outdated dentistry practices. In our free market medical/dental system it is up to us to create popular demand for up-to-date interventions.
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