Do you feel like you have to choose between having a social life and having your health? You don’t. You can have it all!
Let’s be real. We are social creatures. It’s in our DNA to want to share food and food culture with each other. However, what happens when whole societies’ ways of eating are making people seriously sick? Do you just go down with the sinking ship or do you hop on a lifeboat? What if you want to forge a different way, one that works with your biology and has the power to heal even serious illnesses? What if you want to choose a way of eating that gives you energy, improves your mood, makes you feel good and gives you even more pleasure?
What do most of our clients and friends perceive as one of their biggest obstacles to experiencing the health outcomes they want? It is social situations where other people are eating poorly, or at least not in a way that will support their healing potential. Whether they don’t get you, think you’re nuts, try to tempt you, or just don’t go places with viable options, there are solutions if you have a plan going into a given situation.
With a little reframing and some concrete tips that work, you can turn this so-called obstacle into no big deal, ain’t no thang, it’s all good. Join us for our fourth podcast so you can be on your merry way to experiencing BOTH smooth social sailing and the healing good life that you want.