Join us for this video as the tables turn and fellow wellness professional, Rebecca Kelso of The Healing Coaches, interviews me about whether or not organic is really that important and what it even means. She asks really good questions from the lay consumer point of view and some of the info here may surprise you!
After you have watched the video, if you would like to learn more, check out these points to remember while shopping and eating out. Also, please leave comments below. We love to hear from you guys!
Update: You’re not too old for it to make a difference! You can experience major improvements in your life by adopting an organic lifestyle at any age. After this post went out, people asked about this in our comments. We want folks to know that an ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure, and it’s better to start sooner than later so there’s less damage to reverse, adopting an organic lifestyle at any age can make a huge difference in your quality of life.
In our “Closing Your Nurture Gap” coaching courses, we teach you how to upgrade your lifestyle, enjoy organic healing foods, detoxify and repair body systems, remove mental blocks and find effective, root cause oriented practitioners where needed. We have had clients of all ages, a large fraction of which have been over 70, reverse a wide array of conditions, some supposedly “incurable,” as well as experience more energy, improved mental clarity, significantly less to no pain, greater satisfaction with their appearance, better moods, a more positive outlook, an overall happiness upgrade and deeper self-love. Now, if that ain’t worth it, I don’t know what is!
Although it baffles our clients’ doctors because they don’t get to see this very often, it’s a normal part of our lives to see transformation at all ages. So, read on and don’t let ideas about your age deter you…
The dose doesn’t make the disease. Even tiny amounts of toxic synthetic chemicals accumulate over time and do lots of damage, all the way down to your DNA, affecting your physical health, brain functions and emotions as well as accelerating aging. Small invisible amounts make big, visible diseases.
Eating sick or dead food can make you sick… and dead. We need to eat healthy plants and animals if we want to be healthy. Poor soil quality and sick animals decrease nutritional value, which, remember, is why we eat. The same damage these chemicals do to humans and animals happens to the nutrient producing microbes in the soil (and damage to microbes makes us sick).

Organic gives you more nutritional bang for your buck! In order to be raised without chemicals, organic food is most often grown in better quality soil with more microbes, and, thus, has way more nutrients than conventional food that is raised with artificial nutrients in dead soil. Organic food, especially grass fed animal products and wild seafood, are also more nutritious and have higher quality fats for a healthier metabolism and immune system. Not all organic is created equal, so look for high integrity farmers that profess “beyond organic” growing and raising methods.
It’s not all in the genes. You can vote whether you want to get sick or thrive! According to scientific community consensus, the genes you were born with are only about 15% of the equation, and even that you can work with in most cases. The other 85% is in your hands.
The little decisions are the big decisions. It all adds up. Remember how serious long-term toxic chemical exposure can be for your life quality and those you love! Below are only some of the potential issues that have been unearthed by thousands of scientific studies…
Inflammation, cell damage and DNA damage from toxic burden are at the root of most degenerative diseases, including cancer, autoimmune disease, heart disease, obesity, mental illness and mood disorders. Just in case anyone forgot, we are made of cells and cells don’t work properly when they are toxic, because toxins damage them and interfere with their biochemical signaling. The body stores toxins in adipose fat tissue and organs, including the brain.
There are studies showing the effects of a wide range of agrochemicals and food additives on cells, and thus your organs like, but not limited to, the gut, skin, liver and kidneys, as well as the brain.
Chemicals found in conventional foods have been shown to, gradually over time, cause damage to the nervous system and are linked to memory issues, brain fog, mental illness, decreased motor skills and neurodegenerative disorders like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
So, not surprisingly, these chemicals are also associated with psychological stress, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, suicidal ideation and behavioral problems in adults and children.
Over time, these chemicals throw your hormones (endocrine system) out of whack, and your hormones affect every aspect of your health, including how you look, feel, think and move. There have been studies of agricultural chemicals, additives, preservatives and so on, most of which reveal thyroid issues, diabetes, reproductive, and other hormonal damage as well as damage to the gut, brain and immune system (all connected).
Toxic levels of these chemicals are being found in fetal and newborn blood and are linked to developmental problems as well as sperm damage and female fertility.
If you look at the root causes of cancer — oxidative stress causing cellular damage down to DNA alteration, damage to beneficial microbes, an inflamed gut, a weakened immune system and hormonal imbalances —you’ll see that these things are essentially what toxic burden does to the body. So, it’s no surprise that studies are linking synthetic agrochemicals and food additives to just about every form of cancer, including leukemia, bladder and breast. There are also studies tying parent exposure to cancer in their children.
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, is known to damage the gut lining, causing leaky gut and a host of other food sensitivities. Along with prescription antibiotics, it is thought to play a big role in why gluten intolerance and other food sensitivities are on the rise.
Studies of GMO foods show far reaching and devastating health problems, including organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility as well as disruption of our microbiome. The toxic insecticide produced by GM corn has been found in the blood of pregnant women and their unborn fetuses.
Furthermore, GMO seeds require heavy amounts of synthetic fertilizer, pesticides and Round-up, which further exacerbates the madness.
There is no guarantee, but you can do your part. Because winds and rain can spread GMO pollen and toxic chemicals into organic fields, ranches and water supplies, even though organic farmers are held accountable and do their best, we can’t always avoid unwanted exposure. Even running barefoot in the grass at a church, school, park or friend’s house can expose us to their lawn chemicals like Roundup. That said, it’s important not to focus on the negativity and stress out. Neurosis is a form of toxic stress as well. Simply do your part to avoid unnecessary exposure, do not support companies that choose contaminants over organic methods. You get to vote with your dollars (or Euros or whatever your currency may be)!
Where there’s willingness there’s a way! If you think you live in a food desert, do everything you can to eat as much real food as possible and support your detox pathways. Better yet, do some research and you might be surprised at what you can order online, grow yourself or find at a local farmers’ market. You might have to drive to another town once a week or a couple times a month, but isn’t that better than feeling sick, tired and unhappy?
Pay now, save later OR save now pay later! It’s all about how you think, short-term or long-term. What part of your brain are you using at the grocery store? Are you using your lower, fear brain, or your higher, more evolved love and trust brain? Are you in lack mentality or abundance?
When we try to save time and money and cheat ourselves just to save a few dollars, then we will have to find the time and money to be sick down the road. However, if we move from love and are big picture oriented, our long-term thinking can guide us to prevent medical bill debt, even bankruptcy, pain and suffering down the road. Yay!
BIG CAVEAT: Organic doesn’t mean healthy. There are a lot of organic junk foods out there that are highly processed, including refined sugars, flours, oils, and common food sensitivities. Organic just means it’s way less likely to have synthetic molecules that accelerate aging and disease. You still need to read labels and ask how alive is this food? How much life will it give me and how much will my body have to work to undo damage when I eat this? How much will this build me up and how much will it tear me down?
Yes, you are worth it! You’re not alone. Every human has a little voice inside that fears we are defective, unlovable and forsaken. It fears that we are undeserving of love, and that health, wealth and happiness are things that other people get to have, but not us. Every single human encounters that voice and gets to choose whether to listen or not. The only thing that makes us deserving or undeserving are the thoughts we practice that become beliefs. Choose to know that you are deserving. Any other voice is genuinely very confused and sadly mistaken. Retrain your brain. Vote on your potential with how you treat yourself.
Again, think long-term and know that you’re worth the investment!
Would you like to experience big changes but feel overwhelmed with your busy schedule and aren’t sure where to start?
That’s what our online courses and personal coaching are for! Check out our Closing Your Nurture Gap: A Path to Radical Healing programs and schedule your free 20 minute call to let us know what’s going on and see if we’re a good fit for you.
Get your healthy hedonism on and enjoy the exhilaration of transformation!
Wow u guys !! I’m sending this to a jillion people . Just one thought . Someone who has not eaten organic may feel it’s too late to change . So perhaps a blog about reversing the effects of a poor lifestyle is totally doable and the amazing healing power of the body at any age . You both were beautiful , articulate and the passion and love for the work came across beautifully .
Hey there! Thanks so much for this comment. This is my second attempt at responding. I wrote a response the day you sent it, but I can’t find it anywhere. ? I’m so glad you brought this up and someone else did today as well. I’ll add a line to the post as well as a more obvious link to our detox article, which you can also find here if you would like to share it with anyone. I definitely think this deserves its own post! While an ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure, people deserve to know their body’s capacity to heal at any age!
Thank you both. I did not really know what organuc meant. Or, WHY organic.
I would like to know if the body repairs itself after having eaten conventional foods for most of one’s life spanning 30, 40 or 50 years and more if an organic lifestyle is adopted.
Does there come a time when consuming organic foods is not effectively going to prolong one’s life or contribute in a noticeable way to quality of life?
This is a great question and you’re the second one to ask it! We have had clients start in their 70s or older, change their diet and lifestyle, do detox as well as other healing work, and reverse a wide array of toxic stress related conditions, including autoimmune disease, diabetes, artery blockage, ovarian cysts, prostate issues, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, weight problems, and the list goes on and on and on. So, the short answer is a resounding YES!
It makes a big difference-mind-body and spirit- at any age in life to stop putting the bad stuff in and start putting more good stuff in. There are also very effective ways to get the bad stuff out (meaning detoxify) and heal the gut-brain-hormone-immune system, which we teach in our coaching courses and you can even find good info on effective detoxification here.
Of course, you want to make these changes as soon in life as you can so there’s less damage to clean up, but the body’s ability to heal is impressive when we nurture it and give it the love it needs. Also, as I mentioned in the article, there’s organic junk food, so a diet of that isn’t as helpful as more vibrant, life giving organic foods, but eating the right balance for you body can make a world of difference.
Thanks for taking the time to comment and let us know if you have any further questions or we can support you in any way.