Happy Valentine’s day! Whether you are single or in some kind of romantic relationship, this is for you, yes you, darling. If you are bummed not to have a […]
Chocolate Love: Could you use a little more in your life?
Why does it feel so good? And why do we feel bad about it? Few foods have the power to conjure the complex emotions that often surround chocolate. It’s commonly […]
Throw out old ideas about exercise, and get into the groove when you move!
Redefining Fitness Most people who know me are aware that at the peak of my swimming career, I was diagnosed with an “incurable” autoimmune disease of the liver called Primary […]
Bone Broth: Elixir of the Gods
There are some foods that make you feel like you’re getting hugged on the inside, and this is one of them. In Denmark, they have a word that exemplifies everything cozy, […]
Cleansing Part 2: It’s time to come clean! Inspire your cells to inspire you.
Click here to read Part 1: Feeling Dirty? When is cleansing clean and when is it a punishment? In this second part of our mini-treatise on cleansing, we will explain cleansing to […]
Cleansing Part 1: Feeling dirty? When is cleansing clean and when is it a punishment?
We are writing this article as a love offering to all the people we have known and will know (including ourselves) who have wanted to feel better and, let’s be […]